estrangia: Senior Thesis

This visual development package, named Estrangia, was designed for an original fairy-tale/political commentary novella I wrote during my senior year at LCAD. The story follows an explorer named Robin Shannon, a man whose stories from across the utopic globe have afforded him great wisdom and fantastic tales. He shares his stories with everyone he meets on his never ending journey to see it all! Until one day, he wanders into the land of Estrangia. For the first time in his life, Robin encounters a myriad of troubled characters in this new land. He learns of the divisive history of this dystopia and seeks to reunite and heal the sullen folks that call Estrangia, home.
I set out to create this narrative in order to frame the fragile and divisive condition that the United States finds itself in today. Through experiential entertainment, I imagine Estrangia as a theme park where guests can not only experience the thrill of the park attractions, but more importantly experience a dysfunctional landscape that calls on guests to inspect where they fit within greater issue, being divisive American culture, and what they can do to fix it.